Deceptive Government Publication
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November 24, 2009
Mr. Robert Bhatia, Deputy Minister
Seniors and Community Support Services,
Mr. Dave Arsenault, Assistant Deputy Minister,
Community Support Programs & Strategic Planning
The Publication by the Office of the Public Guardian, UNDERSTANDING PERSONAL DIRECTIVES, states that the law in Alberta, does not allow family members to make decisions on their behalf. However, after making a search, we found that no such law exists. The publication reads: “You might assume that your spouse or a close family member or friend could make decisions on your behalf, but this is a common misconception. The law in Alberta does not allow another person to automatically make decisions for you; not even your spouse or adult interdependent partner.”
This deceptive twenty-one page document, has been published to seniors across the province, in seven languages. The Public Guardians, Brenda Lee Doyle, Shirley Pelshytyk and other Public Guardian Officers continue to disseminate this misinformation at public meetings; most recently at a AGTA workshop, John Dosseter Health Ethics Center, November 16/09 and CARP AGTA information meeting held at the Old Timers Cabin, November 19/09.
Alberta citizens have been deceived by this deliberate intent to validate the necessity of a Personal Directive? Seniors who are being admitted to hospital emergency wards are queried, “Do you have a Personal Directive? They are told by hospital personnel, that they should be carrying the Personal Directive on their person, in their purses. Lawyers are insisting to clients that they need a Personal Directive. Government personnel are traveling the province, espousing the need for everyone over the age of eighteen to have a Personal Directive.
We have documented numbers of seniors who have lost their total rights, because they had signed a Personal Directive, having believed that it would provide protection for them. Instead it became a form of entrapment by enabling an Agent to step in permanently during a temporary illness / disability.
When will this misinformation be withdrawn?
When will an apology be extended to Alberta citizens concerning this massive, propaganda hoax that has been foisted upon us by employees of our Government?
We allege this to be a matter of fraud. It was a false statement of fact known to be false at the time it was made and then widely published to citizens across the province (at taxpayer’s expense).
Brenda Lee Doyle, who continues to disseminate this misinformation is the same person who colluded with others to withhold the rights of Flora L’Heureux. Flora L’Heureux, who attended Norquest College and even won an Award for her performance. The Guardians caused her to continue to live in a nursing home room with only artificial lighting. (see our website
We have also been informed by the Government that complaints to the Adult Guardian and Trusteeship Act (AGTA) will be referred to and investigated by the Office of the Public Guardian. How troubling.
We submit that Brenda Lee Doyle, Public Guardian has acted deceptively and in a most untrustworthy manner and should be relieved of her position.
Thank you. We would be grateful to be in receipt of your response by December 1/09.
Yours truly,
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society
cc. The Honourable Mr. Ken Kowalski, Speaker of the Legislature
Full document:
“There is no Alberta law that expressly prohibits a relative from automatically stepping in to do this.”
-Brenda Lee Doyle, Office of the Public Guardian
Tags: Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act, Office of the Public Guardian, Personal Directives, Robert Bhatia