Patrick G. Hartnett RN
Home > Blog Case studies Mental Health > Patrick G. Hartnett RNMay 8, 2013
Via Facsimile 780 453 0546
Your File 50, 461 – (11/12)-1
Ms. Sue Chandler, Complaints Director,
College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
11620 168 Street
Edmonton, AB T5M – 4A6
Complaint against Patrick G.Hartnett RN, # 50461
Villa Caritas Geriatric Center
16515 88 Avenue
Edmonton, AB. T5R 0A4
REFERENCE: xxxxxx DOB March 22, 1943 – Detained at Alberta Hospital & Villa Caritas since December 2009
It is now over a year since this complaint was made.
We were advised by the investigations Officer on October 30, 2012, that the investigation had been completed.
Please advise us.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society,
Ruth Maria Adria
VIA FACSIMILE 780 453 0546
Letter to follow
June 20, 2013
Ms. Sue Chandler, Complaints Director,
College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
11620 168 Street
Edmonton, AB T5M – 4A6
COMPLAINT against Patrick G.Hartnett RN, # 50461
Villa Caritas Geriatric Center, 16515 88 Avenue
Edmonton, AB. T5R 0A4
Your File # 50, 461-(11/12)-1
REFERENCE: Gloria Joyce Pickles, DOB March 22, 1943 – Detained at Alberta Hospital & Villa Caritas since December 2009 (We shall refer to Gloria Pickles as the client).
We appeal your dismissal of our complaint dated May 10, 2012.
Our Response is as follows.
!) Defamatory, untruthful, implausible statement published by Patrick Hartnett RN.
2) Alleged staff assault by client @ March 22, 2011. Client was wrongfully accused of assault, slandered and unjustly punished.
3) Administration of contra-indicated medication
4) Failure as patient advocate
On the morning of April 11, 2011, Patrick Hartnett RN, reported / published by telephone to two lawyers and to us, that Ms. Pickles could not come to the lawyer’s office for a client meeting in a taxi because she was violent and that she would attack the taxi driver.
1) He did not say that he did not have available staff. His explanation was simple,
a) she was too violent to transport by taxi,
b) she would attack the driver.
Those were his words. (Taken from notes of meeting with lawyer / Hartnett conversation)
2) The report states that “Villa Caritas staff members” cite the client as having “unpredictable violent behavior”.
Is this inclusive of all staff members, psychiatrists, nursing staff, aides etc.? Your report fails to identify the staff members who issued such a strong statement.
We know that some staff were sympathetic to the client. They even promised her that they would help her to be discharged.
2) On Page 3, paragraph 5, of your report, the PCM reported to the Investigator “that he needed time to arrange for three staff members to ensure the safety of all”.
3) On the afternoon of April 11, 2011, the day Patrick Hartnett cited the client as too violent and dangerous to travel by taxi because she would attack the taxi driver, nevertheless, on the way home from the court house, she was directed to sit beside the taxi driver.
4) Four days later the client was transported to Meadowlark by taxi
a) with two, not three, staff members
b) the client was directed to sit directly behind the driver.
The question begs asking, would any reasonable person, place a person
of “unpredictable violent behavior” in close proximity to someone whom in likelihood they will cause harm?
Issue No. # 2)
Page 3, Paragraph 4 –
“The PCM (unnamed) and Mr. Hartnett said that Ms. P. had a history of violence and had been moved to Unit 2A after assaulting a staff member on the acute admission unit”
Hartnett and PCM allege that she is violent based on an event which happened March 22, 2011, at which time they make the claim that client assaulted a staff.
Client’s nursing care file contains six and one half pages of notes concerning the event.
Though this event happened at PM / AM shift change, there has not been rendered a:
1) written entry by person alleged by client to be offender
2) written entry by night nurse or night staff who allegedly attended event.
Nursing care file entries:
– First entry in file by psychiatrist Candace Walker @ 9:30 AM who was not on site.
– Second entry in file – 2 page entry almost 5 hours after the event (11:45 AM)
– Third entry in file – 1 1/2 page entry @ 11:50 AM which appears to reflect the client’s version
The client reported to us, that early that morning, she immediately reported event to the
1) Charge nurse – client showed 1-2 cm. scratch and blood on her arm
2) Dr. Candace Walker – psychiatrist – who contacted client
3) Patient Advocates Office – who refused to come on site or in any way render help or acknowledge the assault.
4) Dr. David Richards – client showed him blood and injury
Client alleged that a night aide staff assaulted her. Client had scratch with blood on her arm. She showed it to everyone including other patients.
Night Aide alleged she had injury to her chest. Notes state that patient scratched night aide’s arm, however according to client, night aide had no apparent visible scratches or bleeding.
Client immediately reported to the nursing desk, saying she had been assaulted and showed blood on her arm – but charge nurse refused to hear her and refused to record her complaint.
Ultimately, Dr. Candace Walker arbitrarily and bizarrely punished client for alleged incident. For many months disallowed client to close door to her room 24/7. Finally at the time of the Dr. Peter Breggin Report, she was allowed to again have some privacy and was allowed to have the door closed when getting dressed. (Client Letter dated September 9, 2011 – attached.)
This alleged assault, which was perpetrated by night staff aide, has been used against client to identify her as violent.
The client has no criminal record or history whatsoever of violence or aggression outside the confinements of involuntary treatment in a psychiatric hospital.
On the morning Aprill 11, 2011 @ 9:50 AM, an Order for:
Loxapine 10 g. po X 1 tab
Lorazepam 2 mg. x 2 tabs
was entered by – Dr. Candace Walker psychiatrist in the Patient Care Orders of the client. Dr. Walker was her attending physician. Why would a psychiatrist order a contraindicated medication?
How did Mr. Hartnett, charge nurse perceive the intent of the pre-court medication?
Your report states that there is no indication that PRN medications were administered to the client prior to the court.
1) We have documentation – client’s nurses notes, that indicate that client was ordered to be deceived – by order Dr. Michael Buchinski
Staff were instructed in Patient Care Orders
“do not tell her”,
concerning administration of Olanzapine Zydis on June 10, 2011.
2) The medication Order, Dr. Walker, dated April 11, 2011, was preceded by the Order
“nsg.. staff to take to court”.
We submit that order was a directive to staff to take the client to court that Monday afternoon. There is no other order on the file, that day, that gives the Order that staff take the client to court. There would have to be a written order from the psychiatrist.
A similar Order was written by Dr. C. Walker, December 6, 2010,
“Transfer to court”
Alberta Hospital & Villa Caritas clients are not moved or go anywhere without a written order by psychiatrist/ physician.
It is not reasonable to believe that the directive refers to the medication Order.
In fact, if the medication, the Loxapine and the Lorazepam had been intended to be administered in the event that the client became uncontrollable at the court, the medication would have been in injectable form, not in tablet form. It is implausible to believe that nursing staff would be able to administer pills to a client who is out of control, who requires sedation. Staff mislead the investigator.
a) Loxapine (Loxitane) is an antipsychotic medication indicated to treat symptoms of schizophrenia. It has a black box warning concerning the administration to elderly patients.
The client has never been diagnosed as schizophrenic.
b) 1 mg. of Lorazepam, will cause some sedation, muscle relaxation, some memory and concentration impairment.
Lorazepam 2 mgs. X 2 tabs is used for sedation. Insomnia is treated with 2 – 4 mgms. @ bedtime.
Was this medication placed in her breakfast food?
As stated we have documentation that in the past medication has been administered to her without her knowledge.
ISSUE No. # 4
Mr. Hartnett failed to act as a patient advocate, which is the most notable role of a professional, registered nurse.
We have complained to CARNA In correspondence dated March 1, 2013 that registered nurses are acting as jailors and enforcers (attached) Hapless seniors are being isolated at the whim of abusive medical personnel. This client was being allowed one hour a week visit. These were strictly enforced to the minute.
(See attachment Directives dated May 5, 2011, February 14, 2012)
Is the client a prisoner that merits punishment?
On one Thursday morning, the day before a Friday intended visit, we phoned 15 minutes late, at 9:15 AM, concerning the next days visit and therefore the RN, Cindy, denied the client the weekly visit. She said it was on the order of
Dr. M. Buchinski. If one missed any of the steps, the client was denied the visit. Presently, the client is denied our visits.
When the client was allowed our visits, we had to beg and grovel in order to visit. (Attached Fax dated August 11/11)
The Directives constitute glorified elder abuse.
It is has been widely published that Isolation causes dementia and Alzheimer disease.
Alzheimer and Dementia Prevention
The six pillars of a brain-healthy lifestyle are:
– Regular exercise
– Healthy diet
– Mental stimulation
– Quality sleep
– Stress management
– An active social life
-The client is never taken out of doors, given no exercise.
– The diet is questionable, we know of a patient who lost 60 lbs and another 40 lbs. – some food is apparently not edible (chewable).
– No mental stimulation, not allowed off ward, often not allowed to activities.
– When for months, there was a directive from Dr. Constance Walker that her door be kept open, she had little sleep.
– Client’s letter addressed to College of Physicians and Surgeons dated September 9, 2011, indicates severe stress.
– Client has been denied all social life since December 2009.
We submit that visitors should not only be welcomed but encouraged.
1) We allege that if professional staff had truly believed that the client was unpredictably violent & might attack the driver of the taxi, and that this belief was based on fact, they would not have placed her directly behind the taxi driver and then on another occasion beside the driver.
2) The client was punished and humiliated for months for an alleged event for which she was unjustly accused. In the face of this bizarre, unjust protocol issued by Dr. C. Walker Unit 2A, no nursing personnel stood up in the client’s defense. Numbers of nurses and aides knew the truth of what had happened. We submit that Psychiatrist Dr. Walker also knew the truth. This fabricated event is used to allege that she is violent and assaults individuals.
3) Contraindicated drugs are being administered to persons detained behind the locked doors of Alberta Hospital and Villa Caritas. We noted that Loxapine was ordered for the client
We have documentation that during a takedown, the client was injected with Zuclopenthixol acetate This is a dangerous drug which is indicated in the treatment of acute schizophrenia.
The client had not granted permission to be administered this drug.
4) The Directives, which restricted the client to have visits for one hour per week were strongly and zealously enforced by professional nursing staff. Aides could have been directed to remind us when the time was up. However, Patrick Hartnett and other RN’s on duty, took the time to come out of the unit and in a Gestapo like manner, on the minute, knock on the glass window, then open the door to inform us that time was up and we must immediately vacate the premises.
Finally it should be noted that under the Protection For Persons Act, the only cited offense is, failure to report elder abuse. Therefore, we report these matters.
In concluding this APPEAL RESPONSE, we submit that Covenant Health Villa Caritas nursing staff, security staff, social workers, physicians and psychiatrists must suffer from severe cognitive dissonance.
Thank you.
Yours truly,
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society,
– xxxx xxxx 5 page correspondence dated September 9, 2011
– Gail Tricker / Dr. Kevin Lawless Directive dated May 5, 2011
– Fax cover dated August 11, 2011 – to Patrick Hartnett
– Dr. M. Buchinski / Gail Tricker Directive dated February 14, 2012
– Elder Advocates of Alberta Society letter dated March 1, 2013 –
“Registered Nurses act as Jailors and Enforcers”
VIA FACSIMILE 780 453 0546
Letter to follow
July 12, 2013
Ms. Cindy Jones, Hearings Director,
College & Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
11620 168 Street
Edmonton, AB T5M – 4A6
COMPLAINT against Patrick G.Hartnett RN, # 50461
Covenant Health Villa Caritas Geriatric Center,
6515 88 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5R 0A4
Your File # 50, 461-(11/12)-1
REFERENCE: Gloria Joyce Pickles, DOB March 22, 1943 – Detained at Alberta Hospital & Villa Caritas since December 2009 (We shall refer to Gloria Pickles as the client).
We appealed the dismissal of our complaint dated May 10, 2012.
Please accept an Addendum to our Appeal Response of June 20th, 2013 as follows.
We allege that Mr. Hartnett:
failed to maintain a fiduciary relationship with the client.
failed to preserve the dignity of the client.
failed to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the client.
A. We submit that a registered nurse who detains persons behind locked doors, must exercise extra diligence in his /her duty to clients, Registered nurses must have a special fiduciary duty to their detained, incapacitated clients, which exceeds their general professional commitment because they must ensure that their actions always focus on their client’s rights and best interests.
B. In this matter, If it were true that the client is violent and would attack persons, (we strongly deny this), it is troubling that a professional person would publish such personal client information to some unknown person in a phone conversation.
Mr. Hartnett is not a neophyte, he is a thirty year plus employee of the Alberta Hospital Edmonton. By publishing such information, he breached the ethical values of a registered nurse by
1) failing to recognize and respect the inherent worth of each person and advocate for respectful treatment of all persons.
2) failing to safeguard information learned in the context of a professional relationship, and ensure it is shared outside the health-care team only with the person’s informed consent, or as may be legally required, or where the failure to disclose would cause significant harm.
C. In March of 2011, the client was seeking counsel and was referred to us.
We first visited her on the afternoon of March 27, 2011.
From that time on, she phoned us daily, without exception, usually between
9:00 PM and 9:30 PM. The only times that she failed to phone was when she was denied phone privileges. During the nightly phone calls, week after week, month after month, the client never expressed anger, revenge or violence. Though totally confined, and denied all rights, she was amazingly positive and always pleasant.
D. We are including a part of a Report by world renowned Psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin of Ithaca, New York who interviewed the client lengthily by phone and in person. He asserts that the client does not suffer a “substantial“ mental disorder.
The phone calls to us continued on until November 2012, at which time she was forcibly subjected to Resperidone intramuscular injections.
Between September 2010 until November 2012, the client refused all psychotropic medications, saying they made her feel high and this resulted in her
being subjected to ‘takedowns’. Under the law, she had a right to refuse medication, she had never been declared incompetent.
However on November 6, 2012 @ 2:30 PM, Without warning, Dr. Kevan Lawless, Psychiatrist and Pat Hartnett RN, abruptly appeared at the client’s door.
The client told us later that she had been quietly working on Suduko.
She was instructed that she was about to be subjected to an intramuscular injection.
Totally shocked by this announcement, she left her room and went out towards the dining room. There, she told us, that she noted numbers of security and other male staff, who were assembled, wearing gloves, who had come from other wards in preparedness to subject her to a “takedown”.
She also saw that the “quiet room” door (secure room which is furnished with only a mattress) was unlocked and open.
She later reported to us, that at that point, she experienced absolute terror and felt totally cornered. Then because she saw no alternative and was aware of the security and staff who were prepared to seize her and “take her down”, because she was terrified of a violent takedown, she quietly and with dignity submitted to the intramuscular injection.
As a result of the bi-weekly injections, she now suffers severe tardive dyskinesia, constant involuntary movements of the mouth. A condition which is known to be irreversible.
November 2012, the client was told by staff that she was being treated the way that she was being treated (confinement, disciplinary restrictions, the IM drug injections, etc.) because of “Ruth”.
Following, this she no longer phoned us.
We respectfully submit this matter to your office. Thank you
Yours truly,
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society,
Attached: Dr. Peter Breggin 5 page report.