Tony Flores, Public Trustee, Bullies Client
Home > Blog Case studies > Tony Flores, Public Trustee, Bullies ClientApril 4, 2017 Via Facsimile – (780) 422 9136
Mr. Tony Flores, Public Trustee Representative
Office of the Public Trustee, 4th Floor, Brownlee Bldg.
10365 97 Street, Edmonton, AB. T5J 3Z8
Dear Mr. Flores:
Threatening, bullying telephone call to XXX XXXXX– April 4, 2017
On April 4, 2017 you spoke with XXXXXXXX by telephone. She has informed me
that you informed her
1) get rid of the car – you will not pay her car insurance.
2) she can no longer afford to live in the “trailer”, (the $50,000, leaky “trailer” which the Office of the Public Trustee encouraged her to buy).
You sold her lovely Sherwood Park home out from under her. We strongly
allege that the process was questionable.
We would be grateful to be in receipt of your response by the 12th of April, 2017
Yours most truly,
Elder Advocates of Alberta Society (1992)
c.c Ms. Denise Woolard MLA
Client has since regained capacity.