"Rise in the presence of the aged, and show respect for the elderly."

Articles Tagged: Edmonton Journal

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Police Target Distracted Drivers

Edmonton police officers handed out more than 480 tickets for distracted driving during a 24 hour blitz. About 463 or more were issued to drivers using cell phones. The fine for distracted driving rose from $172.00 to $ 287.00. It is difficult to extrapolate how many traffic fatalities are related to distracted driving. But Sgt. […]

Test violates seniors’ rights

From Edmonton Journal Letters – February 27, 2014 Alberta Transportation statistics show that seniors are the safest drivers on our roads. Yet, in 2008, the minister of transportation introduced a pilot project that subjected all Albertans at age 75 to a medical fitness assessment. In many medical clinics, a cognitive test called the Simard MD […]

Redford raises long-term care fees

Premier Alison Redford has raised the cap on seniors long-term care accommodation by five per cent. During the Tory leadership race,  Redford mused about removing the cap altogether, an idea she abandoned during the spring election.* After the election, Health Minister Fred Horne and Seniors Minister George VanderBurg studiously avoided questions about whether the cap will be removed, saying […]

Media Coverage for Class Action Lawsuit

A number of news reports have been issued regarding the lawsuit. Below is an aggregation of these reports.

Nursing Cuts at the Youville Nursing Home, St. Albert

Convenant Health is almost completely eliminating professional registered nurses from direct care positions at the Youville Nursing Home, St. Albert…

Betty Anne Gagnon: Sister, brother-in-law charged with manslaughter

EDMONTON — Betty Anne Gagnon was 48 years old when she died, barely able to see and unable to care for herself, was found dead on Nov. 20/09, curled in the front seat of a pickup truck parked at a gas station near Edmonton. Her face was bruised and one eye was black. According to […]

The Long Term Bed Crisis

At Alberta Hospital Edmonton, two hundred and forty six or more geriatric beds have been closed…

Suspect Charged in Theft of Elderly Woman’s Rings

Police arrested a 47-year-old man Friday morning in connection with the theft of rings from the fingers of an elderly woman in Vancouver General hospital…

Public Trustee Alberta theft

A provincial government trustee is accused of stealing an elderly hospitalized woman’s most valuable possession by swapping her $32,000 diamond for a nearly worthless cubic zirconium…

Financial Advisor Defrauds Clients, Mother

A man who stole $10,000 from his own mother and took hundreds of thousands from strangers was sentenced…

Victorian-era workhouses still thrive in modern Alberta

I would like to respond to Fred McMahon’s suggestion that the poor belong in the workhouse…