Letters & Reports
Home > Letters & ReportsCrisis in Elder Care
Elder care in Alberta remains ‘IN A STATE OF CRISIS’ Unmet pledges of new government continuing a troubling trend Stagnation in the number of long-term care beds, a continued shift to less-resourced & less regulated “supportive living” spaces, & higher levels of private for-profit delivery have left residential elder care in Alberta in a state […]
Medication-induced Dementia
Drug-induced Dementia is not Alzheimer’s Disease More than 50 conditions can cause or mimic the symptoms of dementia.” and “Alzheimer’s (can only be) distinguished from other dementias at autopsy.” — from a Harvard University Health Publication entitled “What’s Causing Your Memory Loss? It Isn’t Necessarily Alzheimer’s” All classes of psychotropic drugs have been documented to […]
Powers of Attorney Act/ Irfan Sabir
Letter sent via email – hs.ministeris@gov.ab.ca January 29, 2016 The Honourable Mr. Irfan Sabir, Minister of Human Services # 402 Legislature Building 10800 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, Canada T5K 2B6 Dear Mr. Minister: Reference POWERS OF ATTORNEY ACT RSA 2000, c P-20 We, the Elder Advocates of Alberta, speak in defense of the voiceless, frail […]
Hogeway, Dementia village
THE DUTCH VILLAGE WHERE EVERYONE HAS DEMENTIA. The town of Hogeway, outside Amsterdam, is a Truman Show-style nursing home. When Yvonne van Amerongen received a phone call from her mother two decades ago, relaying that her father had died of a heart attack—sudden and painless—one of the first things she thought was, Thank God he […]
No Benefit to Cognitive Screening
TASK FORCE FINDINGS: MD’S SHOULD SCREEN FOR COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ONLY IF SYMPTOMATIC It’s about time someone called the screening of patients aged 65 and older for mild cognitive impairment–unless they have symptoms like memory loss–a total waste of money and time. The Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (CTFPHC) was established by the […]
Test violates seniors’ rights
From Edmonton Journal Letters – February 27, 2014 Alberta Transportation statistics show that seniors are the safest drivers on our roads. Yet, in 2008, the minister of transportation introduced a pilot project that subjected all Albertans at age 75 to a medical fitness assessment. In many medical clinics, a cognitive test called the Simard MD […]
Trespass to Premises Act Alberta
Alberta Court strikes down the Act as unconstitutional in the context of its’ enforcement on Public Property…
Seniors Pleas for Help at Knox Met Manor go to deaf ears
A deceased senior is left dead in a unit for 17 hours by Strathcona Management Agency, Knox Met Manor Senior Apartments…
Alberta Seniors Housing, unmonitored, unsafe
It has become public knowledge that older Albertans living in what they perceive to be seniors safe housing are at serious risk for neglect, theft and deadly harm…
Villa Caritas Video Surveillance
In the past we have made serious complaints against staff of the geriatric mental hospital, Villa Caritas. We have alleged that abuse and even violence is being perpetrated against very, vulnerable seniors, seniors detained behind locked doors. Our complaints have been summarily dismissed.
Mental Health Review Panel Transcription
The perceived intent of an Alberta Mental Health Review Panel hearing is to determine whether the human being before the panel should be given freedom or continue to be detained behind locked doors, stripped of all rights…
Gordon Thomas Haig: Call for Justice
In the attached exchange between various organizations, Haig attempts to find justice in the system. Download PDF
Study shows health care may not be dominated by seniors
Dr. Donna M. Wilson’s, Who Uses Hospitals in Alberta? Two Years of Population-based Evidence for Health Services Planning and Policy, a study examining Alberta’s hospital usage. Download PDF
Government tracking of senior wellness
Recently, a senior was required to complete a form overviewing his health conditions, medications, healthcare providers, and other information for no apparent purpose…
Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act
We wish to thank you for allowing us to make this submission to your Committee concerning Bill #24, Adult Guardianship and Trusteeship Act…