"Rise in the presence of the aged, and show respect for the elderly."

Letters & Reports

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Antipsychotic misuse

‘Scandalous abuse’ of the elderly prescribed antipsychotics in hospital exposed Tens of thousands of vulnerable dementia patients are being prescribed ‘chemical cosh’ drugs in hospital wards in a ‘scandalous abuse’ of the elderly, ten leading health organizations have said in a letter to The Daily Telegraph Three quarters of nurses have seen people with dementia […]

City of Edmonton Priorities

When we see bike lanes that receive priority snow clearing service and then we consider how seniors with limited mobility are fined if the walks are not cleared in a timely manner it is revealing as to what is important to our City officials. Those with privileged mobility are given special attention to celebrate their […]

Flawed Protection For Persons In Care

February 15, 2018 Via Email letter edmonton.riverview@assembly.ab.ca The Honourable Ms. Lori Sigurdson Minister of Seniors and Housing, # 404 Legislature Building 10800 97 Avenue, Edmonton, AB, Canada T5K 2B6 Dear Madam Minister: REFERENCE: Flawed Protection for Persons in Care Act Legislation. We have made complaints to the Protection for Persons in Care concerning a lodge […]

No LTC Beds

Elder Abuse Meeting

MEETING WITH DR. David SWANN MLA, ARE INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE BEEN ABUSED BY DEPENDENT ADULT ACT LEGISLATION. On April 29, 1@ 4:00 PM, 17 Alberta citizens met with Dr. David Swann at the Legislative Annex to present to him and others, accounts of dependent adult abuse. In several instances, the account concerned parents who had […]

Dr. Oto Cadsky maligns fellow psychiatrists

Forensic Psychiatrists dysfunctional A lawsuit against a “dysfunctional” provincial government office” has name-calling, factions and conspiracies are common in the “dysfunctional” office of more than a dozen psychiatrists who analyze criminals for the courts, an Edmonton judge has found. In a 55-page decision released Friday, Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Erik Lefsrud ruled that allegations […]

Advisory Councils

ADVISORY COUNCILS People you need to read this. Sarah Hoffman has no shame. She wants residents and their families to have the right to create advisory councils to advocate for care. Many facilities already have Family Forums and other Residents Councils in operation. What is she trying to achieve? This is from someone who has […]

Elder Abuse Report

W5 nursing home investigation reveals 1,500 cases of staff-to-resident abuse in one year W5 takes a look at the epidemic of abuse at homes meant to care for the elderly and how FRONT LINE WORKERS WALK AWAY WITHOUT REPERCUSSIONS W5 reveals how ill treatment often goes underreported and how abusive workers are protected by secrecy […]


SENIORS IN TRANSITION:Exploring Pathways Across the Care continuum. Report by Canadian Institute for Health Information According to this recent report – ADMISSION TO RESIDENTIAL CARE COULD HAVE BEEN DELAYED OR AVOIDED FOR MORE THAN 1 IN 5 SENIORS. Provincial health-care systems are struggling to place Canadians in the appropriate continuing-care settings they need, potentially adding […]

More seniors remain in workforce

More U.S. seniors choosing to remain in the workforce. Employment rose not only among 65- to 69-year olds (close to a third now work), but also among those 70 to 74 (about a fifth). In the 75-plus population, the proportion still working increased to 8.4 percent from 5.4 percent. Increasingly, they are less likely to […]

Powers of Attorney Act – Too costly

Ageism to become discrimination for first time

Age will soon be included as a prohibited ground of discrimination under the Alberta Human Rights Act. An application to include age as a discriminating factor was granted at a hearing in Edmonton Court of Queen’s Bench Friday after it was unopposed by the province. “We can now join the rest of Canada,” said lawyer […]

LTC untenable, Edward Redshaw

From: Dr. Edward S. Redshaw 2034-198 Street Edmonton Alberta. T6J5T7 To: Chief Administrator of a Facility Dear Madam/Sir: My name is Dr: Edward S. Redshaw. My mother-in-law, Mildred Silvera, 96 years of age with Dementia, and my brother-in-law, Bernard Silvera,77 years of age, seriously mentally and physically challenged are residents in Millwoods Shepherd’s Care Centre […]

Chaplain position removed

NDP needs to explain removal of spiritual care position Wildrose Shadow Seniors, Housing & Mental Health Minister Mark Smith and Wildrose Shadow Health Minister Tany Yao called on Health Minister Sarah Hoffman to explain the AHS decision to remove a specialized spiritual care coordinator position at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre. The coordinator provided patients […]

Powers of Attorney Act Abuse

The abuse of powers by an appointed “attorney” acting as Power of Attorney is NOT CIVIL, IT IS CRIMINAL. Section 331 of the Criminal Code of Canada clearly sets out the offence: THEFT BY PERSONS HOLDING POWER OF ATTORNEY. This section is not a charging section, but what is referred to as a descriptive section. […]